Translating content: a social media (r)evolution?
What is transcreation and how does it make a brand memorable?
5 regional platforms you need to know for any international social media campaign
Social media sentiment analysis for global brands: a how-to guide
Translating for social media: what to consider
Recruiting a team of community managers for your international brand
Sailing the seven (over)seas – How to navigate the global social media sphere
The WIT Lockdown Lowdown
The word exchange game!
(Un)masking covid communication challenges
2020: a worldwide wordy whirlwind
The language of sustainability – Does climate action speak louder than plastic words?
Quarantinis at the Coronaspeakeasy - How COVID-19 has shaped our lexicon
Tales of social interaction in times of social distancing
Babel Stories – Deck the halls!
Babel Stories – The Countdown to WITmas II
Babel Stories - The Countdown to WITmas I